Connect [and create] database with ADOdb

2004-05-19 12:00

A piece of code that tries to connect to a database server with ADOdb library for PHP. If the database does not exist, the script tries to create it:

// example configuration:
$db_type =      'mysql';
$db_server =    'localhost';
$db_username =  'root';
$db_password =  NULL;
$db_database =  'very_new_database';
$db_create =    TRUE; // this variable sets

// This is needed to turn fatal errors to warnings when connecting.
// We use Connect for database checks, so this is really needed.

// include ADOdb class files:

// create connection object:
$db = ADONewConnection($db_type);
$db->debug =    FALSE;

// first try to connect to the exact database on server
$ok = $db->Connect($db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);

// if failed to connect to database check if we should create it:
if (!$ok && $db_create) {

    // failed db connection has to be constructed from start:
    $db = ADONewConnection($db_type);
    $db->debug = FALSE;

    // try connecting without database parameter:
    $ok = $db->Connect($db_server,

    // if connected without database param:
    if ($ok) {

        // get SQL to create database:
        $dict = NewDataDictionary($db);
        $sql = $dict->CreateDatabase($db_database);

        // try creating database:
        // "2″ is status returned by ExecuteSQLArray()
        if (!$ok = (2 == $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sql))) {

            // try to connect after creating:
            $ok = $db->Connect($db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);
        } else {

            echo '<p>Failed to create database "'.$db_database.'".
            The database server returned an error:

// Check status:
if ($ok) {
    echo '<p>Connected successfully.</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p>Database error: <em>'.$db->ErrorMsg().'</em></p>';