* version $Id: tpl_inputs.php,v 1.1 2004/07/21 00:07:53 emilis Exp $
* Author: Emilis Dambauskas (emilis.d@gmail.com)
* Copyright: 2003–2004 Emilis Dambauskas under {@link http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD license}
* HTML that is used before input label
* @var string $TPL_INPUT_BEGIN
* @package tpl_inputs
$GLOBALS['TPL_INPUT_BEGIN'] = '<tr><td class="tpl_input_label">';
* HTML that is used between label and field HTML
* @var string $TPL_INPUT_SEPARATOR
* @package tpl_inputs
$GLOBALS['TPL_INPUT_SEPARATOR'] = '</td><td class="tpl_input_field">';
* HTML that is used after field HTML
* @var string $TPL_INPUT_END
* @package tpl_inputs
$GLOBALS['TPL_INPUT_END'] = '</td></tr>';
* Can tpl_inputs apply smart formating to labels?
* @var boolean $TPL_INPUT_END
* @package tpl_inputs
* Month label array
* @package tpl_inputs
$GLOBALS['TPL_INPUT_MONTH_LABELS'] = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
* Generates HTML for form input
* @function tpl_input
* @package tpl_inputs
* @return string HTML
* @param optional string $label Input field label
* @param optional string $field Form field HTML
* @param optional string $before_field HTML to prepend to field
* @param optional string $after_field HTML to append to form field
function tpl_input($label = ' ', $field = ' ', $before_field = NULL, $after_field = NULL) {
// apply smart label formatting
// color ending * red
if ($label{strlen($label) - 1} == '*') {
$label = substr($label, 0, -1);
$label .= ' <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">*</span>';
return $TPL_INPUT_BEGIN.$label.$TPL_INPUT_SEPARATOR.$before_field.$field.$after_field.$TPL_INPUT_END;
* Generates type="text" input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_text
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param optional string $value form field value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_text($label, $name, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '<input type="text" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.addcslashes($value,'"').'" '.$extra.'>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates type="password" input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_password
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param optional string $value form field value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_password($label, $name, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '<input type="password" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.addcslashes($value,'"').'" '.$extra.'>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates textarea input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_textarea
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param optional string $value form field value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_textarea($label, $name, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '<textarea id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" '.$extra.'>'.htmlspecialchars($value).'</textarea>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates file input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_file
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param optional string $value form field value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_file($label, $name, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '<input type="file" id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" '.$extra.'>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates select input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_select
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param mixed $values option value list
* @param optional mixed $labels option label list
* @param optional string $value form field value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_select($label, $name, $values, $labels = NULL, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '<select id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" '.$extra.'>';
$values = (array) $values;
$labels = (array) $labels;
foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$val.'"';
if ($val == $value)
$html .= ' selected';
if (sizeof($labels))
$html .= '>'.$labels[$i].'</option>';
$html .= '>'.$val.'</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates multiple select input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_multiple
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param mixed $values option value list
* @param optional mixed $labels option label list
* @param optional mixed $selected selected form field values
* @param optional string $all_label label for checkbox that selects all values
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_multiple($label, $name, $values, $labels = NULL, $selected = NULL, $all_label = NULL, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '';
if ($all_label !== NULL) {
$html .= '<input type="checkbox" onClick="el=document.getElementById(\''.$name.'\');for (i=0;i<el.length;i++) {el.options[i].selected = this.checked;}" id="all_'.$name.'_check">';
$html .= $all_label.'<br>';
$extra = 'onClick="el=document.getElementById(\'all_'.$name.'_check\');el.checked=false;" '.$extra;
$html .= '<select multiple id="'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'[]" '.$extra.'>';
foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$val.'"';
if (sizeof($selected) && in_array($val, $selected))
$html .= ' selected';
if (sizeof($labels))
$html .= '>'.$labels[$i].'</option>';
$html .= '>'.$val.'</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates multiple radio input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_multiple
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $name form field name
* @param mixed $values option value list
* @param optional mixed $labels option label list
* @param optional mixed $checked selected form field value
* @param optional boolean $vertical should the radio inputs be presented in vertical (default FALSE)
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_radio($label, $name, $values, $labels = NULL, $checked = NULL, $vertical = FALSE, $extra = NULL, $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = '';
if ($vertical)
$separator = '<br>';
$separator = ' ';
foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
if ($i)
$html .= $separator;
$html .= '<input type="radio" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$val.'" '.$extra;
if ($val == $checked)
$html .= ' checked';
$html .= '>';
if ($labels)
$html .= $labels[$i];
$html .= $val;
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* Generates date input field HTML
* @function tpl_input_date
* @return string HTML
* @param string $label field label
* @param string $prefix form field name prefix
* @param optional string $format Format for input field
* @param optional mixed $value field value
* @param optional mixed $default_value default field value (defaults to now, if null empty value will be preselected)
* @param optional int $year_from year select box min value
* @param optional int $year_to year select box max value
* @param optional string $extra extra attributes for form field
* @param optional string $before HTML to prepend before form field
* @param optional string $after HTML to append after form field
function tpl_input_date($label, $prefix, $format = 'Y-M-d', $value = NULL, $default_value = 'now', $year_from = NULL, $year_to = NULL, $extra = '', $before = NULL, $after = NULL) {
$html = tpl_input_only_date($prefix, $format, $value, $default_value, $year_from, $year_to, $extra);
return tpl_input($label, $html, $before, $after);
* ===========================================================================
function tpl_input_only_date($prefix, $format = 'Y-M-d', $value = NULL, $default_value = 'now', $year_from = NULL, $year_to = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
$html = '';
// set value to timestamp
if ($value || $value === 0) {
if (!is_numeric($value))
$value = strtotime($value);
else if ($default_value !== NULL)
$value = strtotime($default_value);
$value = NULL;
// read format
$format = explode('-', $format);
foreach ($format as $i => $input_type) {
if ($i) echo ' ';
switch ($input_type) {
case 'Y':
$html .= tpl_input_only_year($prefix, $value, $year_from, $year_to, $extra);
case 'd':
$html .= tpl_input_only_day($prefix, $value, $extra);
$html .= tpl_input_only_month($prefix, $input_type, $value, $extra);
return $html;
function tpl_input_only_year($prefix, $value = NULL, $year_from = NULL, $year_to = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
$html = '<select name="'.$prefix.'_year" '.$extra.'>';
// value
if ($value)
$value = date('Y', $value);
// default year_from and year_to
if ($year_from === NULL)
$year_from = date('Y', strtotime('last year'));
if ($year_to === NULL)
$year_to = date('Y', strtotime('+1 year'));
$html .= '<option value=""> </option>';
for ($year = $year_from; $year <= $year_to; $year++) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$year.'"';
if ($year == $value)
$html .= ' selected';
$html .= '>'.$year.'</option>';
$html .= '</select> ';
return $html;
function tpl_input_only_day($prefix, $value = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
// value
if ($value)
$value = date('d', $value);
$html = '<select name="'.$prefix.'_day" '.$extra.'>';
$html .= '<option value=""> </option>';
for ($day = 1; $day < 32; $day++) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$day.'"';
if ($day == $value)
$html .= ' selected';
$html .= '>'.$day.'</option>';
$html .= '</select> ';
return $html;
function tpl_input_only_month($prefix, $format = 'n', $value = NULL, $extra = NULL) {
// create months array according to format
if ($format == '*') {
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
$months[] = date($format, strtotime('2000-'.$i.'-25'));
// create value according to month array format
if ($value || $value === 0)
$value = date('n',$value) - 1;
$html = '<select name="'.$prefix.'_month" '.$extra.'>';
$html .= '<option value=""> </option>';
foreach ($months as $i => $month) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$i.'"';
if ($i == $value)
$html .= ' selected';
$html .= '>'.$month.'</option>';
$html .= '</select> ';
return $html;
function tpl_input_time_from_input($prefix, $form_fields) {
$date = '';
if (!(@$form_fields[$prefix.'_year'] && @$form_fields[$prefix.'_month'] && @$form_fields[$prefix.'_day']))
return FALSE;
$date .= $form_fields[$prefix.'_year'].'-'.$form_fields[$prefix.'_month'].'-'.$form_fields[$prefix.'_day'];
if (@$form_fields[$prefix.'_hour'] && @$form_fields[$prefix.'_min'] && @$form_fields[$prefix.'_sec'])
$date .= ' '.$form_fields[$prefix.'_hour'].':'.$form_fields[$prefix.'_min'].':'.$form_fields[$prefix.'_sec'];
return strtotime($date);