Skaitot blog’us? Domitės Linux? Nežinau ar kada skaičiau kažką bent truputį panašaus: OK, Heads Up Linux, You’re on in 5..4..3..2 (cue music)… (Blog of Helios).
Čia citata, kad užsikabintumėte:
In the early summer of 2006, a meeting took place at Microsoft in Redmond. There were 9 people in attendance and three of them are of “elevated and notable repute”. The meeting lasted for approximately 45 minutes and the sole focus of this meeting was Linux.
The Powerpoint presentations, charts and graphs all focused on the projected acceptance and use of Linux and how Microsoft could counter the growth. It is projected by the numbers presented in that meeting, that Linux will become a viable threat to Microsoft Windows by the year 2009 and that by 2012, Linux could gain as much as 60 percent worldwide market share. There is grave concern over India and China. There is also much wailing and nashing of teeth in Redmond over the GPL. It has been dissected to its finest portions in order to find the weakness within that will allow Microsoft to circumvent it. They can find no such weakness. This has amplified the wailing part of the afore-mentioned reaction. It has been decided that any control Microsoft is to have over Linux must be exerted from within Linux itself. Any attack from the outside will only result in failure.
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